Protect your reputation with an Industrial LCD Monitor Enclosure

Equipment downtime leads to delays, delays could mean failure to deliver, which results in a hit to your reputation and perhaps loss of repeat business. The good news is you can fight back against downtime by installing your very own Industrial LCD Monitor Enclosure.

Protecting PCs in Manufacturing Locations

An industrial computer cabinet can house generation after generation of PC, which not only enables the very latest hardware to be used in the manufacturing location, but also it means that the cabinet provides just a single investment that can be used for years and years to come.

Protecting Manufacturing Computers from Dust

Dust proof computer enclosures are essential in manufacturing locations because of the effects dust can have on a PC. Dust can cause all sorts of problems. Firstly, dust clogs up filters and causes computers to overheat, which will lead to failure of the PC and the frequent need to replace the computer. Secondly, dust clogs up moving parts, such as hard drives and fans, further leading to computer failure, and finally, dust can contain conductive elements so if allowed to get inside a PC it can lead to short circuits, which will again disable the PC.

LCD Monitor Enclosure for use in Manufacturing

LCD monitor enclosures protect LCD screens from various hazards, ensuring that dust, water or other elements can’t get into the enclosure and damage the screen. Furthermore, the LCD monitor enclosure is also rugged, defending the LCD screen from the rough and tumble world of the shop floor environment. Once enclosed, the LCD screen is completely protected, allowing its use in almost any shop floor location.