How Industrial Computing Can Change the Parent Perception of Manufacturing

‘Manufacturing’, a dirty word for most parents. However, as hard as it may be to believe, Mum and Dad have more influence than they know when it comes to children making a career choice. With that in mind, here’s how industrial computing can change the parent perception of the manufacturing floor…
… But first, we appeal to parents. Manufacturing has changed, the days of filthy factory floors and risky, repetitive jobs are over. Manufacturing needs your help to get young people excited about a career in this illustrious industry. You can start by encouraging your child(ren) to consider studying STEM subjects at school, college or university.
There’s no denying that manufacturing has an image problem, but industrial computing is cleaning up that image. Manufacturers… heed the call, if you want parent perceptions to change, you need to be prepared to invest in industrial computing.
What Can Industrial Computing Do For Your Manufacturing Floor?
Parents perceive manufacturing to be tedious, monotonous and soul-destroying. Add to that the belief that it requires very little skill and is unrewarding, you can understand why Mum and Dad dissuade their children from a manufacturing career. How on earth can industrial computing challenge these views?
#1 – Industrial Computing Boosts Skills

There’s demand on the manufacturing floor for skilled industrial computer operatives. Look at this list of manufacturing processes...
- CAD (Computer-Aided Design)
- CAE (Computer-Aided Engineering)
- CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing)
- CAPP (Computer-Aided Process Planning)
- CAQ (Computer-Aided Quality Assurance)
...Notice a common theme?
It’s rare that you will find a manufacturing operation without a computer controlling some aspect of the production process. As a result, a new generation of computer savvy young people will need to take the baton and continue to make manufacturing great.
Today’s manufacturing floor equips workers with skills the likes of which didn’t exist 20 years ago, and industrial computing has played a big part in that transition. Industrial computers make manufacturing cool and rewarding.
#2 - Industrial Computing Boosts the Image of Manufacturing

The major gripe most parents have with the manufacturing floor is what it represents – a dirty, dingy and sometimes, deadly environment. Industrial computing can’t take all the credit for enhancing the image of manufacturing, but it has played its part.
The presence of computers represents a new age of manufacturing, where production floors have become a showcase for the latest technologies. In order to accommodate industrial computing, manufacturing has had to clean up its act to prevent computer damage.
As a result, many manufacturing facilities are just as clean, if not cleaner, than most medical waiting rooms and offices.
#3 – Industrial Computing Engages Young People
Industrial computing has played a role in developing well-paying careers in manufacturing, to the extent that parents and their children are sitting up and taking notice. The modern manufacturing floor is exciting, stimulating and engaging, which has a lot to do with industrial computing, robotics and 3D printing appearing on the shop floor.
Manufacturing today stands for innovation and technology. As a result, the industry is growing quicker than other sectors. With an abundance of apprenticeships and training opportunities created as a result of technological advances, which target young people, parents are recognizing the value of a manufacturing career.
Undoubtedly, industrial computing has advanced the world of manufacturing, helping to clean up its image and highlight how far it has come. Changing the parent perception of manufacturing starts with you becoming a pioneer.
To set up your industrial computing network, this guide gives you tips to get started. Download it now...