A Guide to Computer Integration on the Manufacturing Floor - Free Download

The consensus is that ‘the internet of things’ is the future of the manufacturing floor. With that in mind, computer integration is becoming more commonplace across manufacturing firms worldwide.
However, some get integration so wrong. Download our free eGuide, which takes you through the basics of manufacturing floor computer integration. Download it here, today…
What’s the Computer Integration on the Manufacturing Floor eGuide about?
The rise of ‘the internet of things [IoT]’ has led to an increasing use of web-connected devices to assist with manufacturing floor processes, which includes the humble ‘office’ computer. The eGuide lists the do’s and don’ts of computer integration to ensure the best possible installation for any project.
Specifically, the guide focuses on the role that industrial computer enclosures play in protecting ‘office’ standard PCs on the manufacturing floor, highlighting the flexible and cost-saving benefits of using IT equipment that your manufacturing facility is already likely to have at its disposal.
Plus, the guide provides a valuable insight into how computer protection will boost your bottom-line.
Why a Guide?

Too many plants get computer integration on the manufacturing floor so wrong, often overspending or using equipment that cannot survive the rigours of the shop floor.
This eGuide exists to give operations managers, manufacturing floor supervisors and key staff a starting point for computer integration on the shop floor, providing a basic formula to follow for a successful installation.
Tackling a number of key pain points, the guide provides 10 fundamental tips to be mindful of when installing computers in unforgiving conditions, including a strategic checklist to ensure that your installation complies with health and safety regulations.
Who is the Guide For?

Any manufacturing firm embarking on a computer integration project for the purposes of internet connectivity. In particular, operational directors, manufacturing floor supervisors and the workforce can make use of this guide. It can also be used for reference during planning meetings.
How Will this Guide Help You?
It will help you to avoid the pitfalls associated with manufacturing floor computer integration. Not only will it help you with preparing your shop floor for today, it will help you to futureproof computers and the internet of things for years to come.
Where Can You Get the Guide?
Right here. Click the link to be directed to a page where you can access the guide...
‘The Do’s and Don’ts of Computer Integration on the Manufacturing Floor’
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